I was approached by someone at the Kummerspeck music company to create proof of concept trailers using music they had produced as a way to showcase how their music could be used in the film industry.

As they are a music production company, I had to use already released films to create these concepts for them. Being one of my first pieces of work, this was a good learning experience for me.

Proof of concept trailer for music production company

Proof of concept trailer for music production company

Dungeons and Dragons (2000) review video

Warlock patron creation video


My current client is a YouTuber by the name of Dice Brain. Their focus is informative and entertaining Dungeons and Dragons content for the hugely popular TTRPG community.

With a rapidly growing fanbase, they have been an incredible client with increasingly engaging work for me. Given their platform of choice being YouTube, I have been fortunate enough that this opportunity has allowed me to learn and experiment with the modern 'YouTube' style of editing and the increasing growth of short form content styles,


I was approached by Megaphoneman0 after they saw the work I was doing with Dice Brain and wanted to reach out and take the next step in content creation. Getting an editor.

We have been working together for a year or two now, and it has been an incredible time growing and developing content together, while learning new skills myself and developing my "YouTube" style editing.

Cut down of an interview with Supergeekmike

Stream cut down best of video for critical role


I have been working closely with the KCG society based out of Keele university for a while now and recently was approached to create a leaflet and advertisement for a major event they were hosting.

Someone had already created the logo and having seen the design of it I instantly knew I wanted to combine the metal festival aesthetic with the gaming theme of the event itself. 


I was recently recommended to the creatives at GCK film as an editor capable of bringing to life their work.

The work that followed was out of my comfort zone and not something I would normally do. However, I took the challenge head on and made a visually appealing and creatively fuelled video perfect for what their client was after.